RPTEC, Renal Proximal Tubule Epithelial Cells
Product Overview
Lonza's Human Renal Cells include cells isolated from various normal human kidney tissue specific to each cell type. Human Renal Proximal Tubule Cells are isolated from the proximal tubule and are ideal for drug transporter studies. Human Renal Epithelial Cells (HRE) are comprised of cells from the cortex and glomerular region. Human Renal Cortical Cells (HRCE) are from proximal and distal tubules. Human Mesangial Cells (HMC) are isolated from the renal glomerulus and modified smooth muscle cells between capillaries.
Renal epithelial cells display a polarized morphology, which is essential for their function. They reabsorb nearly all of the glucose and amino acids in the glomerular filtrate, while allowing other substances of no nutritional value to be excreted in the urine. Physiological processes like osmoregulation and excretion can be studied with HRE in vitro. Human renal epithelial cells are also capable of internalizing bacteria and are located near injury sites in a variety of congenital, metabolic and inflammatory diseases.
Select References with Lonza's Renal Cells and Media
Renal Physiology: Intercellular communication is a key process in the development and maintenance of multicellular organisms. Study mentioned here reported extensive spontaneous intercellular exchange of cargo vesicles and organelles between primary human proximal tubular epithelial cells. Sophie Domhan, Lili Ma, Albert Tai, Zachary Anaya, Afshin Beheshti, Martin Zeier, Lynn Hlatky, Amir Abdollahi. Intercellular Communication by Exchange of Cytoplasmic Material via Tunneling Nano-Tube Like Structures in Primary Human Renal Epithelial Cells. PLoS ONE (2011); 6(6): e21283
Nephrotoxicity study was done to evaluate the direct toxicity of Streptozotocin on human renal proximal tubule epithelial cells which resulted in upregulation of the activated form of the endoplasmic reticulum stress (ER stress) in the renal epithelial cells. Uetake R, Sakurai T, Kamiyoshi A, Ichikawa-Shindo Y, Kawate H, Iesato Y, Yoshizawa T, Koyama T, Yang L, Toriyama Y, Yamauchi A, Igarashi K, Tanaka M, Kuwabara T, Mori K, Yanagita M, Mukoyama M, Shindo T. Adrenomedullin-RAMP2 system suppresses ER stress-induced tubule cell death and is involved in kidney protection. PLoS ONE (2014); 9(2): e87667
Renal Drug Transporters: Study was done using Lonza’s human renal proximal tubule cells (CC-2553), where the effect of Cobicistat (COBI) on the cytotoxicity of Tenofovir (TFV) in renal cell cultures was examined to elucidate renal drug-drug interaction between these two components. Kirsten M. Stray, Rujuta A. Bam, Gabriel Birkus, Jia Hao, Eve-Irene Lepist, Stephen R. Yant, Adrian S. Ray, Tomas Cihlar. Evaluation of the effect of cobicistat on the in vitro renal transport and cytotoxicity potential of tenofovir. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (2013); 57(10): 4982-4989